ORACLE - Number Conversions - Number Format
Number Conversions Element Example Description 9 9999 Return value with the specified number of digits with a leading space if positive. Return value with the specified number of digits with a leading minus if negative. Leading zeros are blank, except for a zero value, which returns a zero for the integer part of the fixed-point number. 0 0999 9990 Return leading zeros. Return trailing zeros. $ $9999 Return value with a leading dollar sign. B B9999 Return blanks for the integer part of a fixed-point number when the integer part is zero (regardless of "0's in the format model). MI 9999MI Return negative value with a trailing minus sign "-". Return positive value with a trailing blank. S S9999 9999S Return negative value with a leading minus sign "-". Return positive value with a leading plus sign "+". Return negative value with a trailing minus sign "-". Return positive value with a trailing plus sign "+". D 99D99 Return a decimal character (that is, a period ".") in the specified position. G 9G999 Return a group separator in the position specified. PR 9999PR Return negative value in <angle brackets>. Return positive value with a leading and trailing blank. L L999 Return the local currency symbol in the specified position. , (comma) 9,999 Return a comma in the specified position. . (period) 99.99 Return a decimal point (that is, a period ".") in the specified position. RN rn RN Return a value as Roman numerals in uppercase. Return a value as Roman numerals in lowercase. Value can be an integer between 1 and 3999. FM FM90.9 Return a value with no leading or trailing blanks. V 999V99 Return a value multiplied by 10n (and if necessary, round it up), where n is the number of 9's after the "V". EEEE 9.9EEEE Return a value using in scientific notation. Examples: SELECT TO_CHAR(number, 'fmt') FROM DUAL EJEMPLO : SELECT TO_CHAR(12021, '999999,99S') FROM DUAL -à RESULT '120,21+' Results of Example Number Conversions number 'fmt' Result -1234567890 9999999999S '1234567890-' 0 99.99 ' .00' +0.1 99.99 ' 0.10' -0.2 99.99 ' -.20' 0 90.99 ' 0.00' +0.1 90.99 ' 0.10' +1E+123 9.9EEEE ' 1.0E+123' +123.456 FM9.9EEEE '1.23E+02' +123.45 FM999.009 '123.45' -0.2 90.99 ' -0.20' 0 9999 ' 0' 1 9999 ' 1' 0 B9999 ' ' 1 B9999 ' 1' 0 B90.99 ' ' +123.456 999.999 ' 123.456' +123.45 L999.99 ' $123.45' +123.45 FML99.99 '$123.45' -123.456 999.999 '-123.456' +123.456 FM999.009 '123.456' +123.456 9.9EEEE ' 1.2E+02' +123.0 FM999.009 '123.00' +1234567890 9999999999S '1234567890+'
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